Monday, September 19, 2011

The countdown

Folks, we have less than 24 hours until this crazy deployment ordeal is over. Praise God!

I had one of my first (maybe only) real breakdown last night. A breakdown of gratefulness. I think it just hit me that I don't have to do everything alone anymore. During the deployment, you have to be strong and just move on everyday, do what needs to be done. And I think I did. But when you know it's almost over, you are pretty much overcome with relief. I didn't know that there was a need for relief but now that it is so close, there is a definite need. I can't imagine what it is like for those with children. Well, I was pretty thankful Rick was going to be here to help clean up dog piss the other day. As I was cleaning it up.

I spent all yesterday preparing for his arrival. Which means I spent five solid hours in the kitchen plus 2 at the grocery store. 7 quarts of homemade bolognese sauce, homemade granola, chocolate chip cookies, bread dough, frozen okra. Plus Single barrel Jack, Diamond Bear, gin (for me- BTW, Caroline and Sara, you'll be happy to know I upgraded my gin), and an empty bottle of wine (the bolognese called for half the bottle; I couldn't just throw out the rest). I think the kitchen might be prepared now. At least it is pretty much clean.

Now on to cleaning the bathrooms, sunporch, and the floors. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to sleep tonight so go ahead and throw cleaning the garage in there too.

So overcome with gratefulness, relief, and simple joy; but still thinking of my friends and their husbands who are deployed and in less desirable locations.