Sunday, June 19, 2011

For Rick

You can read it too, but I doubt you are that interested in how I finally got around to painting the front door and shutters and close-ups of my jalapeno peppers (plural. as in I have four of them. Four!). Let's not delay any longer.

Try to ignore how horrible the yard and flower beds look. The 100+ degree heat combined with no rain is too much for anything live to handle. Except apparently Greg. Greg's my new pet: a lizard with a short cut-off tail whose made his home over by the rain gutter and insists on darting out at me, scaring me half to death ALL THE TIME. Rick wouldn't let me get a kitten so adopting a lizard seemed the logical Plan B.

This picture shows the color best. It's a very dark teal-ish color. It almost looks black in some light (which I'm not thrilled about). I don't know how to describe it. It's called Forest Canopy and I think that's probably the best description. I guess those paint namers really know what they are doing.
A close up of the front door so you can see how great the color looks with the bright pink crepe myrtle. By the driveway we have a dark purple crepe myrtle which looks really good with the new color, too. I was disappointed that the crepe myrtle was pink when we first moved in but know I'm thankful. I guess I'll have to get over my pink flower aversion. Now, I just need to find a small bench to put by the door. That way I could sit there, drink coffee, and spy on my neighbors.

Now on to what we've all been waiting for. Garden updates! Yayyy!

Did I ever explain why the garden was in that fence? Dogs, duh. Then, of course, I leave it open all the time and they never even go over there. Oh, well. OH and I have dug up two toads on separate occasions when working in both gardens. Terrified me as much as poor Greg. They were both alive just trying to keep cool, I guess. I touch one of them with my hand by mistake. Ughh... Oh and I know my squash is out of control and overcrowded, but it makes me happy because it makes it look even bigger.

Jalapeno close up. Can you find all four? There's about to be three because I'm going to pick that big guy and make a jalapeno popper. Just one though. It'll will be awkward when Dillon asks for a bite.
Tomatoes and basil. Made the cages by hand with a roll of wire I found under the sun porch. My hand hurt for three days from using the wire cutters. My basil is doing awesome. I'm going to make some pesto soon and freeze it for later.

Then, to continue to brag on how industrious I've been...Curtains for the sunroom. I just finished one side and they look pretty sloppy, but we can unroll them and block out some of the blazing sun. Which means the dogs can actually stay out there. Always a plus when Bill is feeling like peeing on the floor.

Last but not least just a couple of randoms.

This is why you should always use a Furminator when you are brushing your dog. Absentmindedly, using your hand to brush/pet them is disgusting. I won't even describe how it felt when I washed it. I'm gagging just thinking about it.

And just to make Rick laugh....

Showing off my muscles in St. Louis. Embarrassed because there was no one watching when I decided to do it. When I did it there was quite a crowd walking by. I can't be sure if they were laughing at me or in gossiping about how strong I am.

Peace out, y'all.

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