Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Bounty

Back from my visit to Chicago with some of my favorite people. Too bad I only took one picture the whole time. It was worth it though. See the proof:

Caitlin and Matt accidentally dressed in identical shirts. They are flashing their matching Asian couple gang signs. I won't even let Rick and I wear similar colors or shoes. But with us it's because people would probably think we were twins.

Oh, and some guy asked if Matt was from Thailand when he was wearing that shirt. He looks Thai to me.

I tried to convince Rick we should move up there. We could all pool our money and buy a house together. That's how we would start our commune. It would be awesome. The warmest day was like 85 degrees. Rick countered my Chicago offer with Alaska or Colorado Springs. We are now in negotiations.

Now to see how my garden grew while I was gone. Actually, just a picture of my bounty because I was too lazy to go take a picture of the garden. But, hold up, did you hear me say bounty? Glorious bounty.
I made pesto.

And just for jollies, we have Dad opening birthday presents and Molly lookin' so fine.

His favorite birthday/Father's Day/Christmas gift. Happy 50 something birthday!

She's growing out her nails.

See what an exciting life you are missing, Rick?

1 comment:

  1. If I had known you were going to post that picture, I might have put on make up. Or dried my hair..... probably not, though. I'll have to send you a picture of us in our OTHER matching Asian shirts. Way cuter, if you can believe it.
