Friday, June 5, 2009

New town, new friends

Rick and I just got back from dinner at our friends', Marlena and Trey, house. They were in Columbus with us but, unfortunately, we didn't know them that well. We've gotten to know each other a lot more since we live right down the street from each other here. Marlena and I have been going to the gym a lot, walking and talking the whole way there. Another couple, Jeff and Caitlin, were there as well. Apparently they lived right around the corner from us in Columbus and we didn't even know it. I love meeting these new wives. I think it's so funny how you almost have to become instant friends when you move as often as we have. Always meeting new people and thinking fervently to yourself, "Please, please like me." We've been trying to get together about once a week to talk and do something girly. That something girly usually involves eating muffins and more talking, but what more can you ask for?

After hanging out with Marlena, Caitlin, and our respective husbands tonight, I realized how inspiring and uplifting being with other girls, especially wives can be. I don't know whether it is being in the miliary or the need to have strong friendships that makes us open up so much to each other. It's beautiful to sit back and watch it. I need remind myself to reap the benefits from these friendships more. There's this positive energy from everyone that feeds on itself so afterward you can't help but think that was a great time. These two girls especially inspire me to love my husband more, live life better, and just enjoy what you have where you are. It is amazing and I'm really grateful for that feeling.

Now, for a more tangible subject, Rick and I went down to the beach on Padre Island today for a picnic thing with his squadron. We didn't stay long instead going to our friend Doug's house and going out on his boat. Rick tubed and I took pictures and sunburned my legs. On the bright side, I didn't burn the whole leg, only in splotches where I didn't smear the leftover sunscreen from my arms. Because I never get any sun on my legs, I never burn there.

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